
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Best Friends

Aaron and Audrey have had to rely on each other more for entertainment now that I'm taking care of Adelynn (and trying to catch up on sleep). It's never perfect, but I honestly could not wish for them to get along better than they do!

Their favorite game right now is playing "pirates." I love watching them on their bedroom cameras. Aaron will say, "Waddya say, First Mate Miss Audrey? Wanna go on an adventure?"
Audrey will reply with, "ARGH!" and follow him off on an adventure. She loves to copy everything he does.
Once Audrey put on the bangles gear, Aaron called her "Pirate Dancer Girl" rather than "First Mate."

Today, I heard Aaron say he wanted to "play pirates on an adventure who read scripture stories." 
I simply had to go see for myself!
I love how they include each other in their games of pretend. And, I love that they use the dress-ups!
I can't wait for Adelynn to get in on the action!
For now, they play with Adelynn, but they play very careful.
Eric's parents brought these cute outfits back from Greece for the kids!
Don't worry, Adelynn - you'll grow big soon and join in the fun. 
But for now, I'm enjoying having you small!

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