
Friday, May 1, 2015

The Avengers With A Selfie!

For work, Eric handles all of the requisitions - any time software or hardware needs to be purchased, Eric takes care of it. Being who he is, the companies he purchases from LOVE him! One of those companies is Dell. Today, Dell had a customer appreciation conference -- they selected a few of the people they love/their big purchasers to attend. They showed a few of their new products and then provided lunch and those who attended got to watch The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Eric learned he got to bring a plus one and it never occurred to him to take a co-worker - he asked me! It was so much fun! The presentation was only about 15 minutes long and the movie was fabulous. Before the presentation began, there was a series of commercials Dell had put together to showcase their products in a humorous way. One was "the art of the selfie."
So ... of course we had to try it!
The picture on the left is our selfie before their instructions and the one on the right was after...
I feel like our first one was better, but maybe that's just me.
(not that either is spectacular in a dark movie theater...)
We had such a fun time. Afterwards, we spent time with Jon and Amanda who had been watching our kids so we could go see the movie. What a great start to the weekend!

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