
Friday, May 8, 2015

Audrey's Protector

. I . Love . My . Children .
Seriously, they are such good friends. When one is sad, the other races over to comfort with hugs and kisses and words of love.

The other day, I overheard Aaron telling Audrey that he would protect her. He then followed up the statement by saying she is "special, brave, kind and pretty."

But this isn't just talk. Oh no, he'll protect her from anyone, including me!

This morning, the kids were playing in an indoor tent - the tent is small and often, Audrey felt Aaron was too close to her face. We are teaching her to use words to ask him to back away, but today, she forgot and pushed back his face. I pulled her out of the tent and started to have a chat with her (and I wasn't being rough or harsh by any means) when Aaron came up behind me and proceeded to politely lecture me... 

"You need to be happy, Mama," he said. "If you say, 'no, no, no' that's mean and you sound mad and if you want to be happy, you can't be mad. If you want to be nice to Audrey, and you should, you need to be happy!"

This from the boy who was just whacked in the face.

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