
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter weekend fell on conference weekend this year...
And on a weekend where Eric and I both aren't feeling well.
Seeing that I was feeling the better of us two, I took the kids to the annual Hornibrook Easter Extravaganza. 
Eric stayed home and got some much needed rest.

As always, I was in charge of desserts :)
 This year, the winner was the strawberry/pretzel dessert to the adults and cupcakes to the kids.
I am so grateful that Eric's family was so helpful in taking care of my kids while we were there!
His parents were ready to jump in and help at any moment and Kelsey & Tyler helped during the Easter egg hunt. It's amazing how quickly I get tired!
Do my kids look greedy for attention to you?
 Here are all the grandkids lined up ready to hunt! 
Thomas and Aaron hunted together with Tyler's help and I helped Audrey.
They had a blast! Audrey got so excited every time we found a pink egg!
(Eric's mom is a genius. Each kid has a certain color egg they have to find - each kid has the same number of eggs and they all get the same number of prizes. No tears!)
 Audrey had a hard time keeping all of her eggs in her basket.
Eventually, we set the basket down and as we found an egg, we'd run back to the basket to deposit the egg rather than carry the basket around. 
If I had let her, Audrey would have stayed there forever! She discovered if she pushed the sixlets hard enough, they'd pop out of the wrapper and right into her mouth! She was in heaven!
 After the hunt, Kelsey put Audrey down for a nap.
The older grandkids had a scavenger hunt to go on to find all of the prizes and so Gramma made an egg toss for the boys who didn't go on the hunt.
 During the priesthood session of conference, all the adults but Ane and I left. Aaron, Thomas & Sam
"helped" Jessica hide the eggs for the adult hunt (basically, Aaron would find the eggs after Jessica hid them, take out all of the candy, and run. Oh well. Adults don't need candy.)
 The kids had so much fun playing together!
I love how Aaron would approach his cousins to see if they wanted to play.
He wouldn't say, "Do you want to play with me?" He would say, "Do you want to go on an adventure?"
 While the adults were gone, Gramma and I helped the kids dye eggs.
It was kind of chaotic. But we would send the kids away periodically to go play while their eggs sat in the dyes. 
 After the eggs, I was exhausted, so Ane helped me pack up my kids and we took off before the other adults got back. We missed the adult hunt, but it was a good thing ... by the time we got home, my body was so exhausted that I threw up. That being the case, we opted to not go back to Eric's parents' home for Easter dinner with the rest of the family. We took the day easy and stayed home.
Luckily I got the kids' and the neighbors' baskets ready before I crashed too hard Saturday night.
This morning, we took it easy and watched conference in bed.
In between sessions, we got the kids dressed up and went out to take pictures. I made Aaron a bow-tie this year and Audrey a simple headband.
The problem with going to a fun place to take pictures is that there are many things much more interesting to look at than the camera. Oh well. You get to see personality this way, right?
 After pictures, I dropped off the basket to our neighbors (we take an LDS themed Easter Basket to a different non-member neighbor family every year) and then the kids got to see their baskets!
 During afternoon session, while Audrey napped, Aaron and I built his new tow-truck. 
Really, we just took the day nice and easy. Lots of napping and lying about. It really was a great Easter, though hopefully next year we are all in good health!


  1. Sounds fun! Hope you're feeling better. PS their yard looks AMAZING I obviously haven't seen it in years and I love what they've done.

  2. Sounds fun! Hope you're feeling better. PS their yard looks AMAZING I obviously haven't seen it in years and I love what they've done.


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