
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Aviation Museum!

At the advice of one of Eric's co-workers, I called the library this morning and reserved the Cultural Pass for the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum! (I'm kind of sort of feeling better in a way that I can be around people, but not up close next to people...) We were there for 3 hours and only got to the Aviation part of the museum - we'll definitely have to go again and see the other building!

We started out outside since there was a break in the rain. The kids were so excited! Though, Audrey at some points seemed more interested in the flowers than the planes...
 It started to rain before long so we headed in to see all the planes inside. The kids raced from one plane to the next and then back again. They LOVED it!
 They had a super awesome play area with things for the kids to ride and simulations to try!

 Aaron was so thrilled to drive us all in the space shuttle! He had us all climb in back and hollered out what we were supposed to be seeing as we "drove around."
 They had various airplane seats around for us to use as we walked the museum.
The kids thought the buttons on the side were WAY more interesting than looking at the camera.
 At the end, we let the kids each pick out an airplane souvenir and we put a penny through a press to make an airplane mark!
 I can already feel that my body is going to reject all the walking I did today, but boy did we have fun!
And I got to rest when we got home! Eric and the kids went into our new "library" to do puzzles!
Aaron kept talking on the way home about how he can't wait to go back to the Airplane Museum :)
Don't worry, we definitely will go back!

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