
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's 2015

I think this has been our lowest-key Valentine's Day ever, and yet it was one of the best.
It was the first that landed on a Saturday. Besides our various errands (Eric had rehearsal and I ran Aaron around to deliver his Valentines) we were together the whole day. It was strange to have to sneak away to "get ready" for our date.
We were spoiled with Omaha Steaks from my grandparents, balloons/gifts from Eric's parents, homemade Valentines for the kids from Eric's grandparents, and treats from our neighbors.
We feel so loved! **THANK YOU!**

I tried to get some pictures of my cute kids, but they were so hyper! Seriously, we'd sit Audrey down and she'd be up less than a second later jumping and Aaron would join her...
I got a few cute ones and a ton of goofy ones.
 I let the kids pick some "props." Aaron chose his soccer ball and trains.
 Audrey - her favorite bunny

And now for a few bloopers...
 Eric told Aaron to make "a weird face" - I feel like this was well accomplished.
 We made the kids the dinner they requested - Mac & Cheese - and put them down early so we could begin our night! We had our traditional chicken parmesan for dinner. 
 After dinner, we built an ah-mazing fort! Eric went all out! "You don't get kiddie forts with me!" 
We made a fort to watch a movie in on our first Valentine's Day when we were dating so it was fun to recreate that, though on a much larger scale. We watched Remember the Titans - a movie that Eric has been wanting me to see for some time, we just never got around to it :) I am happy to report that I enjoyed it. 

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