
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How Many Is Too Many?

Sometimes I wonder if I take too many pictures of my kids...
These guys are too adorable to not!
Last night, I went in to check on them after they had been in their room quietly for a while.
I walked in to find Aaron had turned on his flashlight and he was quietly reading a book to Audrey.
Can my heart melt any faster?!?
Best . Siblings . Ever 
Yes, that is one of my lilies from high school (I was ALWAYS wearing them in my hair!). I saved several of them and I'm working to make them into hair ornaments for my girls! Still working on how to get them to lay right - but it's coming along!

This is how we spend a lot of our days ... They bring me toys and we play while I lie down.
 This works out great till Audrey notices there are chocolate chips behind the photographer and demands to have some, haha! I love this girl!
 Have you ever made a boat out of couch cushions and then invited Daddy to come drive it?
 Then tackle Daddy, this is the best plan - I promise! 
 #laundryday #thesearesupposedtofit
  We had a cute moment last week while the kids were playing outside.
Audrey kept sitting down and wanting Aaron to sit beside her on the step. Aaron was always a great sport and would race over when she called him. One of the times they sat, Aaron looked down and realized there was more room on the step! He said, "Mama, we're missing a kid here! We need one more!" Aw! He's going to be a great brother to the new baby just as he is to Audrey, I know it!
Guess who still falls asleep anywhere?
 As you can see - sleeping atop a book doesn't always agree with one's face ... 
  The Superbowl was on Sunday - the Seattle Seahawks (technically "our team") were playing and as always, we tuned in so we could join in conversations, haha! The kids were more into it than us! Audrey enjoyed trying to copy the halftime show.
 We went to visit Kelsey and her kids yesterday. It was a long drive, but cramps are WAY better when you have someone to chat with to distract you! Thanks for having us Kelsey!
I love how well our kids get along! They work things out on their own and share and play.
It's pretty much a day off for me!
 This morning, Audrey had to be like Daddy and demanded her toothbrush. I love it!
 She is obsessed with preening - keeping herself clean and dolling up. I was in a conference call this morning and she entertained herself by "clipping her nails."  
She also looked at pictures of her grandparents. She would scream, "PAPA!" and "GRAMPA!" Good thing I was able to mute myself in the conference call, haha! Gotta love working from home!

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