
Friday, November 7, 2014

Feeling Loved

Sometimes how good I have it takes me by surprise... This week has been insane. My children have both been exploding out both ends, not sleeping at night, not napping ... It's been rough. Finally on Wednesday there was no exploding and, though I spent a lot of energy keeping the kids on the couch anyway just to be safe ...  I finally did the dishes but told Eric that I hadn't and that I needed him to do them when he got home - SURPRISE! It felt wonderful to surprise him like that ... And he decided to do me one better. Haha! He loves me so much! (I think he was honestly surprised we were all alive at the end of the crazy sickness...)
His mom called asking to take the kids Thursday night - she's an angel, literally. Eric and I were very excited to have a date night alone.
I asked what we wanted to do and he said he'd figure it out. As I was getting the kids ready to go, he messaged me and told me to pack them an overnight bag.
SAY WHAT? Deal! I am totally down with the kids spending the night at Gramma's! He also asked me to grab some movie tickets on my way down to pick him up from work. He had done some research and found out he could get us into a pre-screening of the movie Interstellar at Cinetopia (our absolute favorite theater!).

I headed down to pick him up and drop off our kids. He didn't seem to be in too much of a rush to take off so we got our kiddos settled and eventually made our way to the door, about 2.5 hours before the movie. He checked the time and asked if I wanted to know where we were headed ... of course not! I love surprises. We magically parked outside The Container Store which is an organizer's dream! It's a HUGE store dedicated to getting organized. He wanted to bring me in and find what I need to organize my craft room. How thoughtful! He really thought about what I'd love to do and made it happen. We walked out with lots of amazing things to try! I can't wait for him to help me install it all! He was so helpful as we investigated the different options the store had for the things I need organized. He asked insightful questions, helped me compare, and didn't balk at any prices - he wanted to make sure everything I got would stand the test of time :) Be still my heart!
We went to PF Changs for dinner where he splurged and got soups, appetizers, entrees and dessert after already spoiling me at The Container Store. He knows just how to make me feel loved and thought of. Little gestures that help me know he's thinking of me are soooooo sweet!
After dinner we attended the movie which was quite an emotional/epic journey. I'm pretty sure I cried at least 2/3rds of the movie. Ahhh, hormones... After, Eric snuck us through another movie parlor out onto a balcony over looking a lake. He picked me up and carried me to a couch where we snuggled for a long time - it was such an incredible feeling to know we didn't have to rush home to our children; we were able to really focus on each other. 
Then this morning we were able to sleep in (Eric had to stay late at work anyway so might as well go in late). What a great feeling - and no one woke us up in the middle of the night wanting to snuggle to help a tummy ache or throwing up in the hallway... Amazing.
Thank you, Eric, for using the tools available to you to help me feel appreciated and loved.
Thank you for all you do each day - all the little things. I don't always need an entire evening devoted to me, but I appreciate you taking the time to make last night special. You know exactly what I need, what I want and I can't imagine sharing the moments we share together with anyone else. You truly were made for me! You complete me in every way, bring me up when I feel down, and always give me 110% of yourself. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for choosing me.

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