
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thank You

Dear Eric,

Thank you for loving me for who I am - for never making me feel inadequate.

Thank you for flirting with me when we are alone and especially when we are in public; letting everyone know that I am yours and you are happy about it. 

Thank you for making me feel wanted and needed.

Thank you for taking me and my body as we are and loving us for it.

Thank you for being my confidant, for listening to my occasional rants and never telling me I'm wrong. 

Thank you for never tiring of snuggling with me.

Thank you for being handsome - for dressing up for me and shaving that little bit of extra stubble for me.

Thank you for standing by every decision I make - for trusting that I have a good reason and always best interests at heart.

Thank you for making me laugh when I need it most.

Thank you for being my sweetheart, my baby, my darling and my love.

Thank you for simply pulling me into your arms for a tender hug when I feel like my world is shattering; letting me know that the most important things are, and always will be, stable.

Thank you for taking all those dorky pictures with me - and never complaining when they get thrown all over social media.

Thank you for all the little things you do like dropping me off and parking the car in the rain when I spent way too much time on my hair. Or taking the kids down for cereal and milk while I catch a few more moments of sleep.

Thank you for all the forehead kisses, bear hugs, piggy back rides, and tickle fights.

Thank you for making me feel so safe in your arms.

Thank you for all the romantic, sentimental things you do for me. I love the flowers, the foot rubs, the french fries and cokes.

Thank you for all the moments where you make it so clear that you are proud of me.

Thank you for your patience and willingness to take the kids on my cranky days.

Thank you for your exuberance in trying new things with me.

Thank you for venturing down the dark path of shopping with me and for, with a smile, always letting my buy more than we came for.

Thank you for trusting me to be the mother of your children.

Thank you for always being respectful.

Thank you for letting me see all of you - all of your ups all of your downs. Your fears and your dreams.

Thank you for calling on me for help when you need it.

Thank you for that look in your eyes where I know, in your heart and in mine that I am yours.

Thank you for kissing me - always. No matter what I'm wearing, no matter if I have curlers in my hair or a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth.

Thank you for doing this without thought - but simply because you love me.

Thank you for choosing me, out of everybody, to spend eternity with.

Thank you for taking me to the temple, 4 years ago today and marrying me, making me yours forever.

I love you with all of my heart and I always will! That love will only grow stronger as we grow older. You are kind and loving beyond anything I thought a human to be capable of. Our marriage has surpassed all of my expectations and my dreams.

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