
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eli's Birthday Party!

Tonight was Eli's Birthday Party! It was a crazy day for everyone ... David, Eli's dad, needed one last patient to graduate from dental school, so Emily, Eli's mom, and I drove down to Tillamook to pick up a stranger and drive him back to OHSU where David attends school. Aaron was so excited to go on a long drive with Eli that he jumped in the car early and buckled himself in! So we and all 4 kids (Eli, Tanner, Aaron, Audrey) all piled in my van and we made the drive (almost 4 hours total). It really was a great drive. While both Emily and I were in front, I had a plastic bag strung between the seats to cradle my phone while the boys watched a movie. Both Aaron and Eli fell asleep on the way home :) Both boys recognized the route we were driving and convinced themselves we were all headed to the beach! They were quite sad that we weren't ... guess the Bass family will have to come back and visit so we can all go to the beach together!

The party was Cars themed. My favorite part of the whole night was how Eli introduced Aaron to everyone. This is my friend, Aaron. Come on, Aaron - let's go play! No, I want to go with my friend, Aaron. I love it!!!

 Aaron was so excited that it was Eli's turn to have a party. He never once tried to open Eli's gifts though he had to be beside Eli the whole time... And he brought Eli his gifts to open which was very cute.

I had to take off to teach dance but the kids stayed at the park with Eric. 
He put them in the swing together - what a cute idea! They seemed to really enjoy it!

Ever since the park, Aaron has talked about going to the Zoo with Eli (we are doing this on Monday) and going to the moon with Eli and Paxton (another little boy there). It is going to be so sad when Eli moves...
Bass family, you'd better come back to Oregon!  We will sure miss you!

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