
Friday, June 13, 2014

Dance Festival

What a roller coaster ride Dance Festival has been!
I'm so grateful to have been a part of it, but I'm also grateful that it's over ;)
I have a whole list of "things I would have done different" but really ... it all came together great!
Man do I wish they did something like this in Utah when I was growing up!!!

1300 kids participated and did 4 shows. CRAZY!
There were 108 kids in my swing. All priests and laurels (16-18) I taught every week for 2 months straight and then fought for more practices! These kids are seriously the bomb! I love them so much!
I taught 48 kids in the waltz that I choreographed (they brought me in for the last 2 months of rehearsal to take over reviewing footwork, cleaning, and teaching formations). (priests and laurels for the waltz too) 
It was a blast! These kids are fantastic!

Attending the dress rehearsal and tech rehearsal was great!

Sometimes I wondered if the kids like me or not ... I'm definitely a different teacher with kids who have other commitments than I am with kids who are paying to be in my studio - they simply act different so I have to teach different. If the kids aren't as committed I have to work harder to keep them focused. I did my best to stay upbeat and positive and fun while working them hard to perform at their absolute best!
They applauded me at the end and told me how much they enjoyed working with me and 3 separate groups asked me to sit at their table for lunch! I guess they do love me ;)

I'd do it all again in a heart beat, even with the craziness!

I am so unbelievably proud of these kids *my kids* and what they accomplished!

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