
Friday, April 18, 2014

Audrey 9 Months!

As always, I'm shocked that another month has gone by! Each month seems to go faster and faster! I don't know how to keep up! Her hair is still strawberry blond and her eyes are still blue. She still keeps her headbands on and we are still working on fitting into 6-9 month clothes o_O
Audrey is changing and growing every day. She's started letting go of furniture and trying to walk where she wants to go but she never gets far. She tries to climb the stairs and she plays very well independently.  She loves to hang upside down and be thrown in the air. She loves taking a bath and she loves anyone her size or smaller. She absolutely adores babies! She also loves watching people jump and jumping herself :)
Audrey knows how to get what she wants, especially with Daddy :)

This face is what she shows when she stands up to gaze upon Daddy in the morning. She is over joyed every day to see him!

She makes a similar face when she sees her brother too :)

She follows him through all of his antics.

Audrey loves to eat though these days she's not into the pureed food as much... So we make a big deal of it when she doesn't grab the spoon. She loves to eat crackers and potatoes the most!
She also adores talking with her mouth full - another problem of pureed foods.

I love how much fun these two are!

So much personality in our family! I love it!

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