
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Playroom and Nursery!

It occurred to me today that I shared the downstairs of our home and the master bedroom on the blog a few months ago but since the post was getting long I decided to share the other rooms another time - but I never did! So I snapped a few pictures for you today. I know you've seen bits and pieces of these rooms already but now you can have the whole picture and layout!
I'll do the craft room when I figure out better fabric storage than the bookshelf I'm currently using, but for now, here is the playroom and the nursery!
Aaron loves his playroom. He spends so much time in there! He plays with his cars and makes me food on his kitchen and plays dress up with the hats my grandpa (GP) sent me back when I was in college!
The letters on the wall are cut from fabric and mod-podged onto the wall and the toy bins are all bins from the dollar store with the wood frame from Amanda. I was super impressed with myself in finding the perfect sized bins! Aaron also loves his "bulls-eye" horse that he rides on :) 

I had a lot of fun with Aaron and Audrey's room!
I painted a large tree in the corner and lots of birds around the room. They each have their name above their beds. I also put a large vinyl tiger in the corner that used to have a tummy and feet ... but then Aaron found a piece sticking off. He pulled it and it got stuck to his hand so off came the rest of the tiger as he freed himself.
I plan to have a picture of each of them at their blessing and when I was pregnant with them but I haven't printed them yet. I also want to fill in the tree with more branches... and re-hang the other half of the "bookshelf" under the window that Aaron tried to use as a step. No room is ever done, eh?

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