
Monday, February 24, 2014

My Little Man

I absolutely love this little guy!
He's so funny ... last night as we were snuggling before bed he was telling me what he wanted to do tomorrow. He said he wanted to snuggle again with Mama and Daddy ... and then he said, "Mama and Daddy snuggle with me - Mama and Daddy snuggle with ....... PEE!!!" "What Aaron?" "Mama and Daddy snuggle with PEE!!! bahahahahahahaha" What a hysterical little guy. I made the mistake of laughing so I'm certain that I will hear more of this ;)

Playing with Mama's eyeliner...

 A firetruck was waiting for us when we came out of the grocery store last week. He was so excited!

Aaron loves to be like his daddy!

One of Aaron's current favorite movies is The Croods
In the movie, they reach their hands up to catch the sun. The movie transforms the characters from people who live in the fear and in the dark to people who follow the light and live without fear.
Aaron loves to raise his hand and reach for the light.
I hope this is something he continues to do - follow the light (Christ) and live without fear!

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