
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

When we were in Utah, we had plans to do gingerbread houses, but as often happens on vacations, time gets away from us ... so my dad sent us home with 2 gingerbread house kits - and we thought it would be fun to have Aaron and Eli decorate them with our help!

As you can see, Audrey was very excited to get the party started!
She even grabbed the candy!

Emily and I had baby duty while Eric and David built the houses. Once the decorating started, we stepped in.

Aaron was very meticulous with the candies. He would add them one at a time - nerds included.

  Do you wanna build a snowman?

Apparently not...

Emily and I shamelessly ate left over frosting and candy... There was one candy though that I thought was particularly ... well ... not yummy. I stated said fact and Emily promptly ate one. After agreeing with me, David stepped in to eat one and offer his opinion. Haha... He also did not care for it.
Don't trust me much?

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