
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Little New Year's Update!

Hey there! Things have gotten crazy around here and I just thought I'd send a little update your way!

First off, while we were in Utah, our ward was split. We didn't know many people in our ward because we only attended one Sunday before we received our callings in the YM and YW. We were a bit sad since we had made a few friends, but the fact that Sunday Church was once again moved to 1 pm means we didn't cry for too long (we love sleeping in on Sundays). We went to our first meeting and right after sacrament meeting I was pulled aside and given a calling (jumped on that pretty quick, eh?) in the Primary (now I really won't get to know anyone) as the Assistant Secretary. I am actually excited about this calling and have enjoyed getting to know the kiddos a bit. It also gives Eric some time with Audrey as he takes her to Sunday School and Priesthood.

Dance festival has started and it has been a blast so far! The youth seem to like me (maybe?) and they are picking the dance up so quickly. It is wonderful working with the older teens - one day I dream of being a high school ballroom coach ... having a class during school hours and a before school or after school team. Perhaps when all my kids are in school I can make that happen.

I am so grateful for the dance festival because DanceWell Ballroom's kids program hasn't grown. I still only have 4 kids and as such, the director is thinking about cutting the program. She is going to teach now instead of me (one less person to pay). She says she is marketing the class and her prices are competitive, but they are more than double what I would ever pay for my kids to learn dance ... We'll see if she is able to bring me back next month or not. I sent out my resume to other studios but none of them are hiring right now. Again, so grateful for the dance festival!

Eric is still in IT at work and he honestly couldn't be happier with the department he is in. He loves the people he works with and really enjoys what he does. He loves being on the phone with people in the field helping with their tech problems and he enjoys floating around the office fixing computers and setting up systems... Eric is teaching me some new games - One called Netrunner (I seem to be getting better at this one) and one called Hearthstone (I am definitely not getting better at this one... but I refuse to give up!). Both are card games and I enjoy playing with him! Eric also let me teach him a little night club two step and dances it with me in the kitchen sometimes. See? We are both learning each other's passions!

Aaron is a crazy little bug as always. He has pretty much given up naps unless he falls asleep to a movie or while snuggling with me. I'm actually more ok with this than I thought I would be. He plays so well by himself now - especially with the play kitchen and the train set he got for Christmas! Thank you Grandparents! I love sneaking in and watching him play. We keep the kitchen upstairs with the cars and other toys and the trains downstairs with the foam blocks. He is great at building his train set and making towers with the blocks and then ... drum roll ... putting them away!!! I love it! And he adores asking Eric and I to come play with him. What a treat! Then he runs up to his playroom to make me "chocolate milk and taquitos."

I will shamelessly admit that Aaron is easy to manipulate and that I exploit it all the time. Here is how it goes, "Aaron, come back please." "No Mama, I go this way." "Aaron, I need your help! Can you be my helper?" "Oh, Ok Mama, I can help you. I coming!" And he races over to see what made up job I have for him. Such a sweetie!

Audrey is such a hoot. I'll give you more specifics on her with her 6 month birthday post coming up soon, but basically, we loooooooove having her around! She is such a special angel. Being in Utah threw her sleep schedule for a loop but she is almost back on track with sleeping through the night (thank goodness).

Well, that's it for us (at least, that's all I can think of). We are doing great and love where we are at!

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