
Saturday, January 18, 2014

6 Months Old!

I can hardly believe this cute bug turned 6 months old today!!!
 In the last week and a half she has learned to sit up on her own! What a champ!

 She also started solid foods last week. Kinda crazy! We started with bananas.
We have learned that the chunkier we give her the food (rice cereal mixed in), the better! Otherwise, it mixes with her drool faster than she can swallow it! She enjoyed the bananas but she eats pineapple and applesauce too!
She has quickly become a pro at scarfing down her food fast.
Don't turn away from her, she'll use her lungs to let you know you're taking too long to provide her next bite.

When Audrey gets hungry, she becomes a special kind of cranky ... there is no calming her until she receives her bottle. And if you are eating and she isn't ... she is very mad at you and demands you share!

She also figured out the jumper! This little kangaroo will sit in there hopping non-stop for over 30 minutes!

She is also desperate to crawl. She gets on her hands and knees and does the cutest little scoot...
I promise I'll let you know when she fully figures out the crawling.
When she does, her cheer squad (Aaron) will be there playing peek-a-boo and calling out "Come 'ere Audrey!"

She is such an amazing addition to our lives! 
We are so blessed to have her, even though it seems crazy that we have had her for 6 months now!
This middle photo is Audrey's way of saying, "Mom ... move ... I can't see the TV!"
Crazy trivia - Aaron outgrew this pair of overalls when he was 3 months old.
Gotta love that smile!
A side note: we were gifted so many diapers - just the right amount of newborns and size 1's. 
Audrey is now into size 2 and we are only now opening diapers we purchased. 
Thanks to all who gave us diapers! 6 months of free diapers has been great!!!

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