
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Our Mini Christmases

Thus far in our married lives, Eric and I have slept over Christmas Eve at either his parents' home or mine and had Christmas morning there. So, we have always done our own mini Christmas before!

Aaron has loved this Christmas season. He races downstairs, plugs in all the lights and trees and then exclaims excitedly, "Look Mama! I turned on Christmas!"

This year, we got 2 mini Christmas'. One of our own and one with Eric's parents. How fun!
We did ours on Sunday.
We started out with pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Only one of Aaron's bacon pieces lasted through the picture. He seems awfully proud of himself having eaten his bacon before we even sat down...
We then did stockings. We packed all of Aaron and Audrey's gifts into their stockings to make it easier (except Audrey's blanket)

Aaron got Thomas and Percy, a tie that I made, socks and pajamas for Christmas Eve.
Eric got a bluetooth speaker and a foam head to hold his headphones (and games and shoes that he already received).
Audrey got a hairbow made by me, leggings made by me, a quilt, also made by me, and some cute socks.
I received boots (that I already have been wearing), earrings, make-up brushes, nail polish, a new cheese slicer and toast tongs. 

 Our traditional sock photo.

After church, we made pizza (isn't that what everyone wants for Christmas dinner?) and read the Christmas Orange story to go along with the chocolate oranges that were in each stocking.
 We all then cuddled on the couch and watched Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas.

Then yesterday, Eric's parents took the kids while Eric and I went out to dinner.
Eric surprised me with another gift, a new phone!
He set it up so that when I turn it on it says, "Hi Beautiful." It makes me smile every time!

 After dinner, we had another mini Christmas at Eric's parents' home where we all opened gifts. Aaron had fun playing with Eric's old trainset that stays up in the playroom at Gramma and Grampa's house!

Then today, Aaron watched Curious George: Very Monkey Christmas
He then informed me that he needed to make a Christmas list (not that it matters that we already gave him his gifts from us ... haha). So I printed him a paper to color at my craft table and then asked what he wanted and translated his drawing for you. I started prompting with yes or no questions, "Do you want underwear? Pants? Shirts?" His reply was, "Nope, I want ........." and he proceeded to list all of these toys. How cute :)

We are so excited for our last Christmas, in Utah!

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