
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Break in Utah!

We got to have a looooong vacation in Utah for Christmas! We are so blessed!
As always, we drove through the night to get there. Aaron was very helpful in packing the car :)

They were all troopers - even Eric! Somehow the drive is never too bad. The kids get bored once or twice but they always manage to get through it. Perhaps I simply have on rose-colored glasses or perhaps I simply have amazing kids ... either way, the drive was great!
Aaron was so happy to see Papa when we arrived! It was a fun reunion.

And now, in no particular order are the rest of the photos from the trip. 
As always, a ton of photos because ... why not? :)

This was Eric's version of working out over the break.

One of the highlights of the trip was building a snowman!
It was quite the involved process and we got distracted easily...

 We may or may not have played fruit ninja and then gotten attacked by Aaron...

Matthew and I bonded throughout the course of the trip - and Aaron was a big helper!

We got to assemble and decorate both fake trees while we were there!

The kids became great friends!


 On Christmas Eve, Santa came... Through the front door?
Aaron wasn't too sure about this...

  Aaron eventually warmed up to Santa and told him all sorts of stories...
Santa stayed just long enough to read the traditional Santa Mouse and the Rat Deer. Then he had to leave.
Aaron was checking the door for the rest of the evening and all day on Christmas looking for Santa!

Christmas morning was great! None of us slept too well though so we weren't our most photogenic selves... But I assure you we had fun and enjoyed all of our gifts!

Aaron loved his time snuggling with Grams!

Audrey was not fond of riding on Sparhawk...

Anna modeling the fingerless gloves I made. Kestra was the go to girl for holding Audrey!

I got to go through the temple with my friend Kristi and attend the reception of my friend Jamie.
Here are a bunch of us from high school at the reception!
My Grandparents came to visit and got to meet Audrey.

We also got to go to lunch with our friend Bekah!

 The kids fell asleep on the way back. Eric was excited about this...


Gotta love church with the crazies!

I almost won the game of risk ... I was green... then Eric came down from the moon and I came in last place.
I didn't even come close to winning twilight imperium...

We got Sparhawk a sweater for Christmas. Love that dog!

Seriously - so much love!
My friend Kristi invited us over to meet her bunnies. Aaron had a blast!

New Year's tradition to jump off the furniture - be careful where you land ;)
We seriously can't wait to go back to Utah! Hope to see you all soon!

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