
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Week

What a great week it has been! I have LOVED all the extra time with Eric! He took a little less than a half day off on Monday so we could go see Ender's Game with his sister, Rachel, and her husband, Tighe.
He then got Thursday and Friday off! We made the most of these days.
Thursday, Thanksgiving, we started the day with Apple Pie for breakfast!

Then we got to see my brother, Thomas who is serving a mission in Hillsboro.
We brought him an Apple Pie, Grape Sparkling Cider, and BBQ wraps
The first thing Aaron did was take Elder Wilkinson's hand and try to walk off... splits with the misisonaries.
They get younger every year!

 I am so glad we were able to stop in and say hi!
We headed to Eric's parents' home after that for an amazing Thanksgiving.

Aaron spent most of the day playing with Grampa either outside or upstairs with the trains :)
 Aaron sat at the table all ready to eat before we finished getting all the food out. Haha
  Since we will be in Utah for Christmas, we gave Aaron his gifts from Eric's parents/us after dinner.
He got a play kitchen and tons of food! He was soooooooooooo excited!

Friday, we took it easy. We even got in a family Dota match o_O

Today we decked the halls! Oh man was I READY!!! I am so pumped for Christmas!
Eric was so excited - we opted to not go to a tree farm but to go to one of those stands with the trees already cut and easy to pick up.This was his first year not under the tree sawing it down.
Eric kept saying, "This was too easy ... someone's going to come take the tree back or something..."

We got a tree just for Aaron to decorate. The theory is he will leave the big tree and the music tree (on the counter) alone. I also put a nativity set on the table that is specifically for him to play with.
He refuses to say, "Mary and Joseph." It is "Jesus' Mama and Daddy" 

What a fun week it has been. I am not looking forward to Eric going back to work, but I have a super long Christmas break to look forward to and trees to keep me company!

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