
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cute Moments

I absolutely love having kids - I do! I love it because you don't realize just how cute kids are until you see the good and the bad ... and boy does the good make it all worth it!
The other day, Eric and I finished playing an indy game that ended with a heart-wrenching twist... It ended well, don't get me wrong, but I definitely sobbed... Aaron was half watching half not and he looked up from his toys and saw me snuggling up to Eric, tears streaming down my face.
He came up to us and said, "Mama, you crying! What's wrong? Mama, you hurt?"
"No Aaron, just sad."
"Oh ... it ok Mama."
Aaron then pulled me from Eric to give me a ginormous hug and said, "Mama, you beautiful" as he stroked my face and wiped my tears.

Today, Aaron pooped in his underwear ... we had been doing really well recently, so it was a surprise. He went to the bathroom, took off his pants, dumped the poop in the toilet and was getting ready to dunk his underwear when I found him (this is the clean up routine I usually perform).
He hopped on the toilet and I left the room for a bit. It wasn't long before he hollered, "Hey Mama! Can you ... come ... clean Aaron, PLEASE!"

One of Aaron's new phrases is, "Come on, let's do this!"

Aaron also loves to "run from the monsters!" and brush Mama's hair with anything ... his favorite tool currently is his toy wrench. At least it doesn't pull on the snarls ;)

Here are 2 cute videos of Audrey (they are over a week old ... oops). 

This first one is what happens when she hears Aaron cry (if they are both sleeping in the same room as each other, their crying doesn't wake the other... this goes both ways - I got lucky!).

In this video, Audrey shows off her talking and her standing!

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