
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Scripture Thought

I have discovered that for me, the best time to read scriptures is while feeding Audrey. There is nothing else I can really be doing at that time (I am glued to the my seat) so why not read my scriptures? I often sit and ponder afterwards and today I had a particular thought and just ran with it.

I was reading D&C 23. In this section, several people asked Joseph to pray and ask God what their purpose and role is in the church and in life ... The Lord graciously gave them their answers. Explained that they are pretty much awesome and then informed them of their purposes. I started wondering, what is my purpose? What is my reason for existing right now...

  • I of course thought of these two little monkeys:

Aaron pretending to sleep in the swing we pulled out today and Audrey actually sleeping in the swing... Aaron also paraded around today with a purse saying, "Where are my keys?"

I need to teach them. Help them grow and develop in a way that is pleasing to the Lord - in a way that will help them be the best that they can be and to help them then go forward and make the world a better place.

  • I thought of Eric and his job and how I support what he is building.
  • I thought of my dance teaching and the lives I hope to change through that.
  • I thought of my brother being on his mission and the increased need I now feel to find people for the missionaries to teach and to feed the missionaries (not that we didn't feed them before, but I have a feeling we will feed them more ... have food in the crockpot and cupcakes made for them tonight!). I have never actively searched for people for the missionaries to teach or prayerfully pondered how to share the gospel with my neighbors. This is all new to me and I feel the desire to do it! So, Eric and I are thinking on a FHE lesson to share with those who live close to us.
  • I thought about my calling in the Young Women's. While I don't work very closely with the Young Women themselves as I have an administrative role, I can make the job easier on those who do.
  • I thought about Visiting Teaching. We are actively teaching 2 of our sisters, but one is hard to get in contact with. Am I trying hard enough? What more can I do for this sister and for the others that I am teaching? How can I better anticipate their needs?
Anyway - these were the thoughts that I had today while rocking Audrey. I figure, if I don't write them down somewhere, how am I supposed to remember them?

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