
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Festivities

This weekend was full of fall festivities! I absolutely love fall - it is Eric's and my favorite season. His because he gets to have hot chocolate and mine for the fashion of scarves and boots and gloves and sweaters and hats ... :) Plus, it is GORGEOUS!

Friday night, we carved pumpkins! We gave Aaron a permanent marker to color his instead of a knife... He kept saying he was coloring Hercules (for those who have seen the Disney movie, he was reenacting the part where the painter is painting Hercules on a vase... He kept saying "Aaaiiiyyyeee!" Haha!)
Eric and I both used the drill for ours

 What fun we had! 
Eric did the Zerg icon and I did the letter H.
Aaron keeps wanting to color his more so it has become an inside decoration :)

 Saturday night, we had a Halloween party! 
I went a little crazy with food ... pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin seeds, broom sticks made from string cheese and pretzels, and butterbeer from Harry Potter! It tasted amazing!
Here we are in our costumes - can you guess who we are?
Han, Luke, Leia, and an Ewok!

I have never thrown a Halloween party before, but when I was 11, my Dad asked my Mom (for his birthday present) if he could throw me a Halloween party, so I pulled from that! We played the flour game just like we did at my party when I was little and it was a huge hit :)

To play this game, you pack flour tightly in a cup and then turn it upsidedown on the table. You place a kiss on top and take turns shaving down the flour. Whoever knocks the kiss off has to go in with their mouth to get it! Aaron and Lily had fun playing with their own pile of flour ... Aaron particularly enjoyed dunking his face in the flour like everyone who had to dig out a kiss. 

Some people also played Magic. It was only four player so a couple of us just watched and played with the kiddos. Here are all the bearded guests (all of the men that attended have beards)

We had a photo booth for those who came in costume and lots of props for those who didn't but the photo booth didn't really take off ... the kids had fun playing with the hats but that was about it... Until it got late and people got a bit tired ... then things like this happened :)
Aaron and Lily had fun together. They literally played footsies under the counter. 

We ended the night playing Monoco - such a fun game!
Today we turned on the fire. It is cozy!

Sometimes, Aaron is too much fun and Audrey is too much fun and we have a hard time finding the will to put them to sleep ... so tonight, we warmed up some butterbeer, grabbed some cookies, moved the couch close to the fire, and turned on The Chronicles of Narnia. Aaron loved seeing Aslan!

Happy Fall!

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