
Friday, September 27, 2013

This Special Moment Brought to You By ... A Bad Immune System

As I'm sure you have noticed, my immune system is terrible - I really only feel like I'm "well" 2/3 of the month. Every bug Aaron brings home, I get ... 8x worse! He throws up once and is fine while I'm bedridden for 3 days. *sigh* We picked up something while in Utah. Aaron threw up 1 hour before we got home; poor kid, and I'm only truly emerging from my room and unpacking all of our things...
This is where I am so grateful we have the projector in our room and so grateful that Aaron can be calm when he knows Mama is sick. He will willingly sit and watch movies with me all day :) This makes for some pretty incredible moments as I am able to snuggle with my boy and just hold Audrey. They won't be at this stage in life for very long and I'm grateful that I get sick so I can take the time to slow down and enjoy what I've been given.

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