
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Precoa Picnic

Today was the Precoa Picnic. I didn't take many pictures and while it was fun ... that isn't what I want to talk about. Instead, I want to (again) gush about how much I love this company that Eric and I are privileged to be a part of.

Today, Eric wasn't feeling well. There are plenty of companies that I have worked for that I wouldn't have cared to attend a picnic ... but I don't even work for this company and I still took my family (minus poor Eric) to the picnic.

I went for a few reasons. One being that I told Aaron last night about the picnic and his memory is really good ... he continually reminded me that we were supposed to go.

The other reason was that I knew that even though Eric wasn't there, we would still be welcomed. We were instantly greeted by amazing employees and their spouses and families. We instantly found friends to sit with and others came to join us as the event went on. At one point I found myself alone and one of Eric's friends came to sit by me and ask after my children and myself.  So many people were genuinely concerned that Eric wasn't there (don't be alarmed ... he wasn't on his death bed ... just sick) and sent well wishes. At one point, Aaron had a small melt down and so many people picked him up, threw him in the air, sent smiles his way, and cheered him! And then as we made our trek to the car many hands helped carry children and bags - even buckling the kiddos in the car for me!

We are so blessed to be a part of such an amazing company! Thank you to all those wonderful people!

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