
Monday, September 2, 2013

Family Reunion Days 3 & 4

I have combined these 2 days because to me they almost seem like 1 day!
We went to church with Mark, Ane, Rachel, and Tighe and then went to spend the day with Mark and Ane. Tyler and Kelsey's family joined us at the house where we had one of Eric's favorite meals in celebration for his birthday.

Then began one of the best nights I have ever had. The kids were playing so amazingly well that us adults decided to have some fun. Eric went up and spent the evening with Jon who wasn't feeling well while the rest of us played spoons (Ane even joined in while Mark took photos) and then dead man on the trampoline (someone is blindfolded and has to tag others on the trampoline and guess who they tagged whilst being bombarded by blankets, pillows, and general rough housing) ... I had so much fun and feel so much closer to my in-laws. We then laid on the trampoline and talked. Several adults attempted to sleep outside (with our kiddos' needs, we didn't try) but none ended up staying :) We spent the night but weren't planning to so I borrowed clothes from Rachel and Eric borrowed clothes from his dad and from Tighe.

In the morning, we had waffles and then went out to lunch at Fudrucker's to celebrate Ane and Eric's birthday!

I would like to start the round of photos with a montage of all the places Aaron fell asleep...

I had to throw in one of Audrey sleeping too :)
Chocolate Cake from Cheesecake Factory :)
 Spoons :) Notice who has the first spoon :)
Do you see the bright green a midst the blankets? That's me ... I have discovered several bruises since playing, but every one was worth it!

Like I said, no one spent the night outside but all the blankets were left outside so it looked like they did... We held Thomas and Aaron back as long as we could, but eventually they snuck outside and jumped and pounced. When nothing moved we finally realized no one was out there. 
Kelsey got Audrey and Annie matching outfits so we got some adorable photos! 
I love that they will be the same grade in school. I hope they are great friends! Audrey is lucky to have a cousin so close to her age!
Fun at Fudruckers! For her birthday, Ane decided to get gifts for all the grandkids :) This was, of course, a big hit!

I am so blessed to be a part of this family and to live so close to so many people who love me and look out for me and my little family. I only hope that I can be as amazing as they are!

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