
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Family Reunion Day 2

Today for the reunion, the boys went golfing in the morning. I took the liberty of taking my time getting ready before heading over to Mark and Ane's house. We enjoyed watching part of the BYU game - until the weather balloon went down - and simply spending time together. After the game, we did a family photo shoot (these photos are in a separate post)!!! I love how amazing the pictures turned out! I had so much fun getting ready - I was blessed to be able to do each little girl's hair (except for Jessica who had Rachel do hers). It was so fun curling their hair!!! After the pictures, the granddaughters (minus Annie and Audrey) put on a talent show.
In preparation for pictures in the evening, our day started with baths. Aaron had fun helping keep Audrey warm in her little tub!

Photobomb by Aaron!

Though the Cougars lost, we are still die hard fans!

These three got along so well for the whole weekend! Love it!
Aaron taking a swing at the pinata... it may have been too high...
Rachel and I getting ready after getting all the girls ready - Love her!

Aaron and Thomas' contribution to the Talent Show - Ball Rolling :)

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