
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Family Reunion Family Photos

 I absolutely love these ladies. They have come to mean more to me than I ever thought possible!

Family Reunion Day 2

Today for the reunion, the boys went golfing in the morning. I took the liberty of taking my time getting ready before heading over to Mark and Ane's house. We enjoyed watching part of the BYU game - until the weather balloon went down - and simply spending time together. After the game, we did a family photo shoot (these photos are in a separate post)!!! I love how amazing the pictures turned out! I had so much fun getting ready - I was blessed to be able to do each little girl's hair (except for Jessica who had Rachel do hers). It was so fun curling their hair!!! After the pictures, the granddaughters (minus Annie and Audrey) put on a talent show.
In preparation for pictures in the evening, our day started with baths. Aaron had fun helping keep Audrey warm in her little tub!

Photobomb by Aaron!

Though the Cougars lost, we are still die hard fans!

These three got along so well for the whole weekend! Love it!
Aaron taking a swing at the pinata... it may have been too high...
Rachel and I getting ready after getting all the girls ready - Love her!

Aaron and Thomas' contribution to the Talent Show - Ball Rolling :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Family Reunion, Day 1

Today we officially started the Hornibrook Family Reunion - and boy did we start it off right! To begin with, the adults who were able, got sitters for the kids and attended the Temple for an Endowment Session. It was so fun to hear Aaron parade around saying how Eric and I were going to the Temple. He then said, "Aaron go Temple?" I tried to teach him that he could go when he was older, and he paraded around saying, "Aaron go Temple after ... later ... ready." Super cute.

The church just produced a new Endowment movie and boy was it spectacular. While all of the wording is the same, different things for our day that need to be emphasized were emphasized. One of the main things I took away was a desire to have a relationship with Eric like the one Adam and Eve have. It was so obvious how much they loved each other and cared for each other and they were always serving and protecting each other - looking to one another for guidance. I was in tears almost immediately!

After the temple, we met up to go swimming. This has become a family tradition (one that I take full credit for as it was my idea to add it to the first family reunion back in 2011). Aaron was excited at first but once he realized how deep the water was, he did not want to go in other than to dip his feet in the small pool off to the side. He would allow me to carry him and he even jumped with Eric once and jumped to Eric once ... but otherwise was content to cheer everyone else on! And boy did he cheer - lots of applause and "YAY!'s" as his cousins went down the slide.

Aaron and Thomas are growing into great friends. They play well together and have a lot of fun! Today at the pool, they matched!

Audrey in her swim gear - this is what summer is about!

Aaron had fun with his little water gun

The one time Aaron jumped in with Daddy and then they swam over to me. Yes, that child with the red-looking hair is mine... Only when it's wet!

As part of her drum camp, Katie was picked up in a limo and taken to a Taylor Swift Concert - so we got a photo with all the kids. After the photo, Aaron tried to climb into the limo, soaking wet. Oops.

I love that we do this swimming outing each year! What a great tradition!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun Aaron Photos

Oh Sweet Aaron, how did you know I found my nightstand boring and wished it had stickers?!?
Oh ... and my counter ...

Watching for Daddy!

 This cute little guy really wanted the stirfry I was making ... but he wanted it now and raw!
Tomatoes, celery, cucumber, zucchini, carrots, snow peas, onions ... He devoured them all
 but just in case you get any ideas about him not being normal...
ice cream, marshmallows, m&m's, cookies, and chocolate syrup :)

This little guy is a blast to go to the store with - He asks everyone, "What's your name?" After they get over the initial shock, they answer and then ask his name, his sister's name, his shirt color, and finally, "how old are you?" They are then amazed that someone so small can be so smart! I love showing off my little guy!

6 Weeks Old!

I can hardly believe it! Audrey is 6 weeks old!!!
Audrey gives the bumbo a thumbs up!

 This girl LOVES her Daddy! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Family Visit Photos

Here are a bunch of other photos from when my Dad and Thomas were visiting :)

I absolutely love the relationship Aaron built with his Papa and his Uncle Tom! He loves them both such an incredible amount! He bonded with them so fast!

 Aaron watching Cars 2 on the iPad :) A new favorite, for sure! Audrey staring off at the light.
Aaron LOVED to fly with Papa!

Audrey: *facepalm*  Aaron: Helping install the surround sound system with his tools

Here, it is obvious to see, Aaron and Audrey both have different coping methods for after Papa and Tom left - Aaron drowns himself in marshmallows, and Audrey ... well :)

We love you, drive safe!