
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Playing the Parents

This story is just too good to not put down on record:

On Sunday, I was making breakfast in the kitchen - bacon and egg burritos. mmmmmmmmmmm. Aaron came up to me with a bag of snacks and asked if he could have some. I, of course, responded no, he needed to wait for breakfast. He then gave me a strange huffy look and declared, "ask Daddy!" He then proceeded to walk to the other side of the kitchen to ask Eric if he could have the snacks. After choking down a laugh, Eric told him that he needed to wait for breakfast, to which Aaron responded with a loud sigh and drooped shoulders as he went to put the snacks away.

He tried this same method to get the same snacks while I was finishing up dinner last night. What on earth? I thought kids didn't learn to play the parents till they are older... I guess we had better prepare if he is starting this early!

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