
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fun With Friends

Aaron loves his friend Lily. She is very energetic and the two of them feed off each other.
Lily's dad, Keros, plays the guitar so he and Eric jammed after dinner tonight. Lily requested the "na na" song and then she and Aaron danced!
After they wore themselves out, they sat and watched A Bug's Life on the couch. It was fun to watch their different reactions to the movie.
We have learned - Aaron is great at sharing. He went through a bully phase about a month ago where he would fight anyone who so much as looked at his toy, but now ... We ask him to share and tell him it is someone else's turn and he will share! I am in awe. It doesn't matter the toy - he will even get off his Lightning McQueen car to let someone else have a ride. I love this kid! He fought for a bit when we asked him to share his guitar; but even that, after a small pout, he walked over and handed it to Lily! And then he was excited because he got to share and he gets excited as he watches his friends be excited to play with his toys.
I hope this lasts because it is awesome!

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