
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Father's Day

I know this post is late, but with my family in town, things were a bit crazy.

I want to tell you about the lesson Eric taught his Priests on Father's Day. He taught about Priesthood Worthiness -- what it takes to be worthy to hold the Priesthood. One of the items was to treat women right. They then went in-depth about what this means - what it means to respect women. After this, Eric then very solemnly told the young men that it isn't simply not treating women wrong; it goes beyond that. He said that if they don't do everything they can to build up each woman around them that they were not worthy Priesthood holders.

That is the man that is raising my son and will raise many more of my children. That is the man I have been blessed to meet, date, and marry. The man who knows what it means to be worthy to hold the Priesthood - who knows how his life should be lived and strives to live it that way.

Go ahead, be jealous. It's ok. I would be too if I were you. :-)

For Father's Day, Eric got this framed for his desk at work:

He also got this awesome shirt made by Aaron! Aaron loves to go up and put his hands on the hand prints he made. It says, "World's Best Dad, Hands Down!"

I love this man so much. He is honestly the best - it is as though he was made just for me.

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