
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Water Park!

I don't know what is going on with the weather here, but I'm loving it! We had another entire week of sun (with a tease day of the rain coming and going with sun inbetween) and this coming week has 0% chance precipitation and it is all sun again!

 Today was so relaxing. Last week was crazy and so it was great to just relax. Aaron had fun sharing his cars with the baby. But we couldn't be content to stay indoors all day, so we had a picnic at the water park!

Aaron was pretty distracted at first. The silly goose saw a little girl and lifted up his shirt to show her his belly button - haha. He ate a bit of dinner but he didn't really sit down until I gave him some brownies for dessert.
They had a system. Eric would crouch down next to him and they would count, "Ready, Set, GO!!!" and Aaron would race off into the water. When he got back, Eric would swing him around in a circle.

  Aaron had a blast - but he started to get cold and he slipped a few times and gave himself a good bonk, so he came to snuggle.

But that didn't last long - soon he wanted to race back in!

Even I took him in once and we touched the water as it flew to the sky!
 When we were all done, we took some family pictures ... the second one, well ... I guess Aaron found something better to look at.

On the way home, Aaron entertained himself playing with his cars.

When we got home, Aaron and Eric sat down to play a game called Bastion (curious? go see our Halloween post from last year). Eric would use the joystick and tell Aaron what color to hit.

So excited for more sun this coming week!!! Gotta come up with more plans to make the most of the sun!

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