
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Weekend

This weekend was so sweet - On Friday, Eric took me on a date as my gift. We went to Olive Garden and then to see Iron Man 3.

Saturday, Aaron climbed in bed with me and we slept till 10 while Eric cleaned the house! I'm such a lucky woman!!! In the evening, the two of them pulled out the drums and played for me and then pulled out the guitars and played for me! Eric played 2 songs. Aaron had fun playing along on the little guitar we got him in Mexico.

Today, Eric spoke in church and we went to Mark and Ane's for dinner. Before we left, I asked Eric and Aaron to play for me again - it was so cute!

They decided to play a song together on the same guitar - August Rush style!
Mother's day is always so special here - I am so blessed to have these amazing boys in my life!
It was so fun to have Aaron make me a gift in Nursery this year. I look forward to many more years of cute drawings and little surprises from him.
My heart melts every time he calls out, "Mama!"  I am so lucky to be his Mom.

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