
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sweet Dirty Laundry

While doing the laundry this morning, I was reminded of a sweet story from while I was doing laundry 2 weeks ago. It is a story that I hope I remember each time I do laundry.

The way I do laundry is I dump it all over the railing, sort it into bins, and line the bins up in the hallway prepped for the washing machine.

2 weeks ago, on a Saturday, I did just that. Eric had been upstairs and as he is not usually home when I do laundry, he is unfamiliar with my methods. I was in the laundry room switching loads and came out to find my bins had been moved! Confused, I looked up and saw Eric sitting on the couch with my bins... folding the laundry. He thought the laundry was clean and wanted to help me! I walked over and informed him with a smile on my face that the laundry was dirty. He looked at me, slightly relieved, and said this was good because he had a growing pile of things he thought needed to be washed a second time. ;)

I love how willing Eric always is to jump in and help me with whatever I'm working on and how I never need to ask ... he is simply there to help. He truly is great and I am so lucky he asked me to marry him! For all of you who have never seen sexy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------->      this is what it looks like :)

I also love that he thinks of me and does sweet things like this - for no reason other than he wanted to make me smile.
I truly am so very lucky. I could not have asked for a better eternal partner.

Thank you Eric, for folding the dirty laundry.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. It's really the little things that matter; little gestures that accrue into something more eternal and long lasting. Glad it's all working out for you guys still. And that's a pretty great save, too, in how that dealt with, you know, issues of general hygiene: of pests, mess and grime.


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