
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting Ready For Baby

Aaron is a boy. 100% through and through. He loves his cars and trucks and dinosaurs...
But he is a very tender boy. He has a way of coming up to me and smiling, stroking my hair and kissing my forehead as he says so softly, "Mama, I love you." ... I melt every time.

This tender little boy is SO excited about having his baby sister.
With the due date less than 2 months away, we've started getting ready!

Yesterday, we built the crib and the changing table. Aaron had a blast helping (and running off with the pieces).

Aaron also learned that if he climbs up on the baby's dresser, he can get in the crib. (I rearranged the room several times today looking for a different place to put it; sadly, this is really the best place... but he hasn't climbed in the crib today at all)
He also learned that if he climbs in, he can't get out on his own (we don't have a mattress yet so if he gets in, he has to climb out from the ground). I think this is what has encouraged him to not climb in anymore because I refused to help him for a bit so he would learn. 

Today, Aaron again showed his tender side as he wanted to show Baby his toys, and rock Baby, and feed Baby, and burp Baby, and sing to Baby, and read her stories... (He loves to share his toys with my tummy, read stories to my tummy, and sing songs as well - he loves to sing Aaron's Song [Elmo's song adapted])
 First we rocked Baby, then he wanted to show her his playroom. He was very adamant about this and he carried her very gently to let her play with him.

In the picture on the left, he is reading to my tummy - his "bister" and in the picture on the right, he is reading to Baby.

He loves to put Baby nuh-nye. He keeps giving her kisses and sharing his cars though - he doesn't just let her sleep.

After putting her down, he will periodically rush over saying Baby is "sad" and that she is "crying!" He will then scoop her out and rock her or give her hugs or lay her down. He will then put her back nuh-nye. I'm guessing he learned this from watching babies cry in Sacrament Meeting because this is not something I have showed him... (I encouraged him in the video so the video wasn't too long...)
He is going to be such a great big brother. 
I'm excited to watch him grow as he learns how to takes care of her :)

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