
Friday, May 10, 2013

Backyard Shenanigans

After a bath, we decided to go outside and get dirty again ... Smart, I know.
Then we pulled out the chalk - Aaron loved it! He had to pull out each piece and have me tell him the color and then he would try to get the colors right on his own. 

 Aaron is an expert at getting my drink - he will put his hand (or whatever he has with him) into my drink and then I hand it over... I had a glass of ice water, and to him, ice is magical.
 He has to eat it! So ... he stole my drink.

So I went inside and got a big bowl of ice water 
(we haven't pumped up the pool yet) and boy was he ecstatic!

  After he drank/dumped it all out, I went and got another bowl with even MORE ice 
He would splash me and I would shriek - he thought that was soooooo funny ... so I gave him my feet and let him put ice on my feet.

We definitely love having a backyard.
To get Aaron back inside, I had to bribe him with olives - if anyone ever doubts that he has Wilkinson blood ... take note of how much he loves olives, and your doubt will disappear! 

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