
Monday, April 29, 2013

Entertaining ... To Say The Least ...

Aaron definitely keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing.

When we are in the car, if we go over a bump or take a quick turn he says, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! You ok?" We then reply, "Yes Aaron, I'm ok, are you ok?" And he says, "Yes, I ok." hahahahaha

Here's a juicy one from this morning. We had pancakes for breakfast. This is the breakfast table conversaiton:

Aaron, "Mama? L-lunch?"
Me, "No Aaron, this is breakfast!"
Aaron, "Oh, bekfast.  Um, Inner?"
Me, "No Aaron ... not dinner. Breakfast."
Aaron, "Oh, bekfast." He then pushed his fork toward me. "Lellow fork?"
Me, "Sorry, your yellow fork is dirty. You'll have to use your blue one."
Aaron, "Oh, blue fork. Sss hot?"
Me, "No Aaron, it's not hot. You can eat it."
Aaron, "Oh, sss not hot. Um ... Mama?"
Me, "Yes Aaron?"
Aaron, "Um, have green beans?"

Ah ha! We finally get to why he had been stalling the WHOLE TIME! He didn't want to eat his pancakes ... he wanted green beans! He is very opinionated about what he wants to eat and will often ask specifically for an item come meal or snack time.

We talked with my parents on the phone today because Aaron asked if we could call them. How cute is that? Then, after, all he could talk about was calling Grams and Papa again! I posted it on facebook and so my mom called back later to chat with him! He really looooooooooves to talk on the phone! He also loves to share his food. He was eating a treat of pretzels and marshmallows when they called so he tried to share his marshmallows by shoving them into the phone. So cute!

Aaron has found a new favorite place to play cars... this is obviously NOT something we have discussed...

Then, this afternoon, I was out working in our yard again. Aaron kept coming up to me saying, "Help you?" So sweet. Well, while I was working, I managed to step in an ant hill! I screamed, flicked my foot (sending my shoe flying ... took me a while to find it), dropped my tools, and ran! I went inside to boil water to get rid of as many ants as possible so that I could keep working. On my way back outside, I found myself wondering how I was going to get my tools! Then, in walks my little hero carrying my tools. My fearless little man who comes running when I cry out to make sure I don't have an ouchie went and got my tools! He then played peek-a-boo behind our Dr. Seuss looking tree.

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