
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hospital Visit

So ... back on January 23rd (yeah, I'm a bit behind), I was in the hospital for migraines. They thought I might have meningitis or burst blood vessels in the brain or something equally dreadful... I was going to do a whole post on the experience, but I thought it would be better (and shorter) to simply tell you what I learned:

  • Husbands know you better than you know yourself. When I called Eric and asked him to come home from work to simply give me a blessing and then he could go back, he got someone to cover his presentation and took the rest of the day... he knew I would need him for longer.
  • NEVER, EVER allow a pediatric nurse to attempt an IV... ever. It won't work. After 5 huge disasters and a bruise that covers the entire hand from all of the digging, just say NO! (Thanks for making them stop Eric!) Oh, and if they blame it on you, it isn't you, it is them... since the person who actually knows what they are doing can get it in faster than you can feel the needle enter your skin.  Get a phlebotomist to get the needle in or better yet, if you can, get an EMT!
  • Ambulance rides aren't as cool as they appear (yes, they made me ride in an ambulance). I would have been more comfortable with Eric...
  • If the doctor says she will order you medication and it isn't there in 10 minutes, send someone to check on it... and check on it every 10 minutes for the next 2 hours (yes, that is how long it took). If the nurse says the doctor ordered nothing, make her check again, because it is there! (Thanks Eric for making the nurse check again!)
  • If the morphine helped, I wouldn't still be crying, would I?
  • If I had my vision and balance, would I seriously ask for help to the bathroom? No.
  • If the lights are off and you don't need them on, leave them off! If I have a towel on my face to block the light and you don't need to see my face, don't take it off me! (silly technicians)
  • Nurses do not pick up on subtle humor or sarcasm. They kept giving me strange looks when I asked if I was being a good girl and if I could get a popsicle or a sticker or a cookie for my good behavior.
  • Some people have high pain sensitivity. This does not mean they are wimps, it simply means they feel more than the rest of you. Respect them!
  • If one dose of numbing solution doesn't work, and then two doses doesn't work, it isn't the needle you are using for the darn spinal tap, it is YOU! Switching the needle and thus upping my poke count to 12 won't help!
  • If your wife is going on all day how she deserves a cookie, be the awesome husband you are and search every crevice and vending machine you find until you come across a ginormous cookie and then she will love you forever. (again, thanks Eric!)
  • If you have a husband, take them with you, they fight for you! If you don't, get married before going to the hospital... trust me on this one! After the hospital, Eric stopped by multiple fast food restaurants to get me my specific requests and made me comfortable. He took the next day off as well. Definitely worth it to get a husband!
p.s. They looked and looked and nothing serious was to be found. So, I simply am working to manage the migraines... o_O
**This is not meant to offend any nurses. I'm sure there are great ones out there... they just weren't working the shift when I crashed!**


  1. Inspiring quest there. What occurred after? Take care!

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