
Monday, December 17, 2012


There were 2 niece birthdays this month! To celebrate, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese! (yes, I made more dresses, but in my rush, I forgot to take photos of said dresses... oops)

Aaron had to, of course, drive!

Aaron enjoyed looking at the kids playing in the structure... lol

Aaron liked riding in the "cars" - he rode the tractor, then Thomas squeezed in with him.
Aaron then rode Clifford...

And then Thomas squeezed in with him...

haha - Aaron doesn't mind sharing.

Aaron enjoyed the Merry-go-round. He would sit on it all by himself and smile. Super cute.

This was Aaron's favorite game - you just throw balls at the screen!
We plopped him right on the game so he could reach the balls and didn't have to throw as far.

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