
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Aaron's Crib

Lately, Aaron has been shortening his nap ... like from 3 hours to 1. And we have a rule - the binky stays in the crib. And since he has been waking up earlier, he hasn't wanted to give up the binky. Fine by me - I give him a snack and some toys and he plays in the crib. Yesterday he played for 2 hours.

Taking advantage of this, I laid down for a nap. Next thing I knew, Aaron was climbing up on my bed ... no loud bang, no nothing ... how the heck? So I put him back in the crib and asked him to show me how he did it - and he did indeed. I tried to record it but it scared me so much that half of the recording is facing the floor...

Today, he again woke up after only an hour and refused to give up the binky. However, unlike all the other times, he knew he was capable of getting out of the bed.

I pulled up the live feed camera we have in his room and watched. I can't record off the camera, but I took a few still shots using the print screen function on the computer.

He started out with pants on - I promise. I think he took them off for better traction. Notice he is simply using his dog-on muscles to pull himself up.

 He started on one side of the crib and then moved to the other.
 Once he switched sides, it was a matter of seconds before he had waddled to the living room where I was sitting at the computer. Binky in hand.

Seeing as he can get out whenever he wants and it is potentially dangerous, I think we are going to have to turn his crib into a day bed... which will be hard. For his time-out, he is placed in his room and the door is shut. This is enough to cause him to cry simply because he cannot get out. If he can get out of his bed and walk to the door and then be stopped, he may have difficulty. We also don't have anywhere else to keep his toys ... what is to stop him from getting up and playing?  This will be quite an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. This is tooo funny. The first time my daughter did this I was sitting in the living room and I looked up and there she was at the end of the hall. I got so confused. I thought I had put her to bed but for a spit second I questioned it. This was 45 years ago. So following Aaron's antics puts a huge smile on my face. And in my heart.


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