
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

To set the mood - here is a video of Aaron singing Christmas songs with me. We sing in the rocking chair before he goes to bed. He's tired and obviously nervous because I have a camera (phone) in his face and he can see himself, but it's still super cute. (**note, please do not focus on my singing, I had a cold)

Did you notice him drop a beat in the middle? That's something Eric does when I sing, lol

What a great Christmas!!! With this being Rachel's last Christmas living at home (she's getting married!) it is the last opportunity for her and Eric (and significant others) to get up early and watch a movie, so we decided to spend the night at Mark & Ane's Christmas Eve.

So we did our own Christmas on Christmas Eve morning!

While I was helping Santa with the stocking stuffers, Aaron found a a santa hat - he put it on and left it on the whole time we were in the store, so we of course had to buy it :)

We did stockings first, which may have been a mistake. Aaron got a set of 3 balls in his stocking and he decided he would much rather play with the balls than open his other gifts...

Aaron got a new tie and wanted to wear it immediately.

Eventually, Aaron got the hang of opening the gifts and realized how fun it was ... so he helped Daddy open his gifts, lol

Christmas Eve was fun at Mark & Ane's. We had a great dinner and Eric and I slept in the family room, prepped and ready for the morning movie.

Aaron has a lovely habit (It was cute at first but he's been doing it for too long...) of waking up early and only going back to sleep if he is in our bed... So, I brought him in bed with us. Eric was lying on his back with me in the crook of his arm; his shoulder my pillow. Aaron also used his shoulder a pillow and laid horizontally as you can see in the picture. He was so out that we got up and started the movie and he didn't wake at all.

Christmas morning, the Hornibrooks have the children run down the hall to the room with the tree.
This year, Aaron got to run!

We hope you had a Very Merry Christmas!

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