
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Some Random Fun

I was going through the videos on Eric's phone and came across these two fun ones:

Yesterday, Eric and I were tired and laid down on the couch. 
Aaron came running up saying "diaper! diaper!"
Sleepily, I told him to go find a diaper and I'd be right there... sadly, I fell asleep.
Poor Aaron went right to the changing table, laid himself down, and I found him there 40 minutes later

After spraying my hair black for Halloween, the floor in the kitchen was turning our feet black, so Aaron helped me wipe it all up.

Playing with Daddy at the Court

"Mom, I can't find the candy I want!"

"Look! I'm touching your pizza mom!"

Aaron has always been against blowing kisses... he prefers to actually kiss you, but last night in the car, he wouldn't stop blowing them! Sorry the video is dark.

Aaron and Mama watching a show while Daddy gets work done!

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