
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

What a great season - I absolutely love Fall and I love Halloween! It is a great excuse to dress up (not that we need an excuse, we live in Portland where it would be totally normal to dress up any day of the year, haha!)

Last year, I got to pick the costumes (and the year before I was newly pregnant and sick so we went as farmers...) so this year it was Eric's turn. He chose for us to be characters from one of the coolest video games ever, Bastion!!!

Oh, what? You haven't heard of this game??? Well, it's awesome. Here are some pictures of the characters!
Aaron's character ... he's "the kid" (and the hammer's name is "Cale")

So, Aaron is "the kid", Eric is "Rucks" (the narrator), and I am "Zia" (the gypsy girl ... ignore Zulf, we didn't use him this Halloween)

On Friday night, we had the trunk-or-treat and it was bad and good ... we arrived and decided to eat before taking pictures (there was chili and cornbread) - mistake - Aaron choked on a piece of cornbread and threw up on his costume and on Eric's... so our pictures from Friday night aren't that great...
This is one of all of us (notice Aaron is wearing a sweater instead of pants???)

After dinner was the trunk-or-treat. To get ready, I set Aaron in the trunk. While I was preparing, he sat and played with the candy.

Then something awesome happened... a child came by and said "Trick-Or-Treat!" Aaron looked at the child who was holding out a bag ... and placed some candy inside! He received no direction from me ... he simply wanted to share... This happened again and again, for 15 minutes! Every once in a while he needed help but mostly he did it on his own!

 After we got home, Eric realized he should have been practicing mustache faces!
So, he did a few for me and I snapped pictures

On Saturday, while I was at rehearsal, Eric decided to shave his mustache...
To give you an idea of why, here is a video of him and Aaron riding an office chair on the way back from doing laundry while I was gone...

The 'stache doesn't really suit him, does it...?

Today, we had a few friends over to play some games. So Aaron and I made a cake...
I love kid-friendly cake batter!

We dressed up again to get full body shots for photos.

Happy Halloween from The Kid, Rucks, and Zia!

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