
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ward Camp Out

Last weekend we had a ward camp out. We, personally, did not spend the night but simply went for dinner and to mingle.

For some reason, my flash refused to work... entirely, so I got some strange photos because of it :)

Aaron loves these girls. The younger is Stacie - by the end of the night he was totally calling her name.
The older is Leah and Aaron loved chasing her around. :)
Stacie was a good sport - she enjoyed all the hugs, kisses, and attention from Aaron

Oh, an update on the potty...
I totally have refused to let Aaron on the potty recently... We have a huge road-trip in November (Oregon to Utah to California to Oregon) and I don't want to have to stop every hour because my toddler is in the back screaming POTTY!!!!!
I may start letting him on again if he continues to be persistent - I just wish I had taken the road-trip into account prior to allowing him to sit on the potty.

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