
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Shabby Apple

Hello Friends!

For those of you who haven't seen the link on the sidebar of my blog, I am a Shabby Apple affiliate. What that is, is if you decide to shop at Shabby Apple, if you click on my button over there and then shop from the webpage it takes you to, I get a commission...

Well, since I am an affiliate, I just got an email with a coupon code to share with you!!! How awesome is that?

I love Shabby Apple. I have their Taxicab Skirt that I wore for Eric's graduation. I haven't shown you those pictures yet because I'm still waiting on a few pictures from a certain someone ... *COUGH COUGH!!!* but I'll show you a sneak preview so you can see my skirt:

So go grab yourself a dress or a skirt or jewelry or shoes or a swimsuit at 10% off, sitewide! Use the code: favorite10  This code expires September 14, 2012 so go use it quick!!! Remember to click on my Shabby Apple Button on the right side bar to get there! ---------------------------->

Not sure what to get? Here's a list of their most popular dresses:

1-  Alice
4-  Ingrid

Personally, I love the VP and I am totally thinking about getting the Darwin Skirt.

Go have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Ingrid dress!! I've been dying to get something from Shabby Apple, but sadly, I can't afford clothes at the moment *sigh*. If I should ever decide to buy anything though, I'll be sure to click through your link!


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