
Saturday, September 8, 2012

From Me to You

I have been given an awesome opportunity to participate in a fun event with
gifting it forward
It is about gifting it forward.  
It is a way to receive and then give more than you received.

It is very simple, I will get a gift from Ginger and then I will send out a gift to three of you turning one into three, and then you three will then need to give out three gifts in return turning three into nine and so on and so forth...
So, the first three people to comment on this post will receive a gift from me. I have a few ideas as to what they will be, but I'm still having fun deciding! I love making and picking out gifts!!!
In order to be part of the fun you have to play along. Those of you first three that comment will have 72 hours to post on your blog about this or I'll have to move on to comment #4 and so on.

The fine print:
These are the rules set forth by somebody somewhere back in the links of links of links. They are what they are and they shouldn't be changed

Make sure in your comment you leave a way for me to contact you so that I can 1. acknowledge that you have been selected and 2. get your address to send you your gift!!!

I honestly think this might be one of the best ideas ever! I am so excited about it!!!


  1. Wow... I feel like I got to this late... but there were no comments... so I feel privileged to say that I think this is an awesome idea too and everyone else is crazy for not commenting first. Since you are my sister.. I am pretty sure you know where to find me and if not.. how to contact me. :D (plus you gave me an excuse to blog)


  2. I will comment on your blog! You can contact me on facebook, or :) I don't check for new blog posts from people often enough, unless I see them on facebook. I'm interested to see who will actually reply on my blog. Hmmm... But yes, this is a cool idea!

  3. I think this is a great and fun idea. I'm hoping that I can get this up on my blog soon and that somebody will actually see it too! You can contact me by facebook or email at

  4. Hai, I'll be number 4. I'll put it up soon!

  5. Haha - ok, I don't mind making/getting 4 gifts! I'll bring them all to Utah with me in November!


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