
Monday, August 6, 2012

The Company Picnic

The Precoa company picnic was on Saturday and it was a blast - even though it was over 100 degrees!

We went to Mark and Ane's to pick up the waterslide and Aaron decided he wanted to drive

I made cookie dough cupcakes (the cupcakes have cookie dough inside them)
I thought it would be cute to turn some into cookie monster...
My niece, Emily, was sitting by her friend, both eating their cookie monster cupcakes when she turned to her friend and said, "I bet my Aunt Jessie made these, she's so crafty!"
Best ... compliment ... ever!

We have recently discovered that Aaron LOVES watermellon
He had 5 slices.

This is the waterslide
Eric was in charge of it so we were over there a lot.

For a long time, Aaron was content to play in the puddles around the waterslide...

But then he wanted to go down the slide...
This kid must have gone down over 30 times...
We eventually got a system where I would toss him up the back and Eric would help him go down
(rather than Eric tossing and guiding)

When everything calmed down sweet Sara decided to share her Popsicle with Aaron didn't matter that he didn't actually want any...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm sorry, my mind is completely blank now that you've mentioned COOKIE DOUGH CUPCAKES. OMG. Those sound so delicious, I'm beside myself. And they look so pretty. Will you adopt me?!? :D


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