
Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Zoo - a 1 Year Party!

Aaron is now 1!
He is 21 lbs, 7 oz which is in the 52%. 
His head circumference is 17.76" which is in the 22%.
And he is 2'6" tall which is in the 56%.

For Aaron's birthday we went to the Portland Zoo - he wasn't excited except to go outside, but man, once we got there... he had a blast! He would get mad at us every time we left one animal to go to another... By the end of the 2 hours he was exhausted and so were we, but man did we have fun!

The first animal we saw was a bear

We came across a fun waterfall and of course, Aaron had to play in it!

Crawling down the fun tunnel

Aaron loved the fishies!

Another person came along with a camera much bigger and fancier than mine...
My little HAM then refused to look at me and wanted to pose for the other man's camera!
Silly boy

Aaron thought the turtle was pretty cool

The Sea Otters wanted Aaron's Sunglasses! 
Who knew?

Aaron loved going in to pet the goats!

And, of course... he wanted to kiss the goats...

The Penguin zoomed by Aaron and he wanted to follow it!

It was over 90 degrees and so lots of the animals were hiding in the shade.
We were lucky enough to happen upon the polar bear as he was heading to new shade

Gorillas have bigger hands than Aaron

Aaron thought the elephant was pretty cool

Until we ended up at an angle way too far from the elephant
then Aaron was only interested in the pole...

A better view = an interested Aaron

Yeah, my boys had fun in the drum area...

Eric's awesome drumming drew a crowd - lol

Aaron was easily distracted by the other kids

Fun animals to play with!

In the bird walk, a lot of birds were hiding,
but Aaron found the ducks!!!

Too hot for the hippos

Looking at the zebras and the *something* (I honestly can't remember what they were called...)

Looking at the strange monkey
Getting very tired

We didn't get Aaron out for the giraffe, he was so tired

Aaron saw the bat on the ground and focused on it rather than the ones up top
do you see it?

By the time we got to the tiger, Aaron didn't even want to sit up to see it

And by the time we got to the car, he was gone...

On Sunday we opened his presents
(he let us sleep in till about 1 on his birthday 
so we had to leave for the zoo pretty quick after waking up)
We took videos of him opening his gifts - you can see them on our youtube channel

Happy Birthday my little man!


  1. I love Eric's t-shirt! That's awesome. Happy Birthday Aaron!

  2. I agree, your husband's shirt is great :)

  3. Haha - I saw it in Mexico while I was out shopping (without Eric) and simply HAD to pick it up! He's such a Google fanatic that it seemed fitting - lol


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