
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Girl Time

Today we went over to hang out with Katie, Aimee, and Lucy at Ane's house. (Mark, Ane, Tyler, and Kelsey are all out of town for work) The only thing that could have made it better was if Jessica, Emily, Kristen, and Sara had been there! Next time girls, next time!

At first, the girls were over at Amanda's eating lunch so Aaron played with some of his favorite toys...  A vacuum and a doll. :) Some people might be worried that my son likes dolls, but my brother LOVED his babydoll and he turned out fabulous, so I actually have high hopes for Aaron.

When the girls got there, Aaron did something that made the girls go "whoa!" I commented on how Aaron was strong and Lucy turns to me and says, "My daddy is, is, HUGE!" and she made herself as big as she could. She obviously was trying to depict how strong her dad was and the biggest word she could think of was huge. It was hysterical. I got a picture of her jumping to show me how "huge" her daddy is...

Katie and Aimee didn't really know what was going on but they wanted in the picture too  :}

Then we painted nails - do you think I have too much nail polish? lol

Lucy chose a gold sparkle and then wanted 2 more sparkle nail polishes on top of that...
Katie and Aimee wanted exactly what Lucy was having

Lucy chose 2 pinks and a purple for her fingers and again Katie and Aimee did the same

Then they each chose a color for my nails...
Lucy chose purple, Aimee chose black, and Katie chose red

Considering the colors I had to work with, I think I did an ok job.

Then the girls wanted to put on a play
It was called the Queen and the 2 princesses...... and the bad guy. Poor Aaron

Aaron tried so hard to follow the girls around during the play

During the play they had a picnic and Aaron kept taking the food they wanted and "ruining the play" - just like any bad guy would  :}
So Aunt Rachel took over as spectator and Aaron and I went down stairs.

The girls enjoyed playing with Aaron. 
They put him in the chair and spun in circles.

 A blurry picture, but cute nonetheless...
Aaron decided his favorite place was on the fireplace... 
It was probably his favorite simply because I did not want him there...

Aaron *finally* took a nap on the way home - he did not sleep at all for the entire 6 hours we were at Ane's house. His binkie worked wonderfully as a sunglasses holder as he slept (obviously he is awake in the photo because we are home now)
Next time we'll have Heather's girls over too.

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