
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Family Visits

I wanted to share some pictures of when my family came to visit -

When my family (Mom, Thomas, Mikayla, Kestra, Anna) got into town we went to show them how much Aaron loves the park
My Dad bought Aaron some smaller sunglasses

Aaron formed a very special bond with Thomas
Don't get me wrong, he loves them all, but Thomas was the first he wanted to see each day

This has got to be one of my most favorite photos!

They had a blast in the pool - you can tell :}

My family watched Big Bang Theory all week and I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but...
The theme song is Aaron's favorite!

Before they left we did a few individual photos
I think Aaron could tell they were leaving because he wasn't as quick to smile...
But he was very quick to hug and hold on tight

I love this because it looks like they are both making the same face... lol cute!

...??? Angry much?

Somebody needed ibuprofen before they left and Aaron wanted to drink the meds...

The night the first carvan left, the second came rolling in
Enter Lissa and Kenny

Aaron loves the swings!

Aaron also loves the slide!

He wanted to crawl back up to me to slide down again

Aaron isn't a big fan of sitting on the sea horse but he got super excited when he saw Kenny on it!

Yeah, Kenny's *that* tall

Aaron has developed a deep love for kisses - he wants them all the time from just about anyone!
Even on the swings!

Kisses for MAMA!!!

We went out to the beach with Lissa and Kenny and it was a blast - cold, but fun

The cold did not bother Aaron one bit - he wanted in that water so bad!

Do you see that rock?
Yeah, we brought that rock along with another home with us... he wouldn't put them down!
I made him drop one to hold my hand and he swatted my hand and reached for the rock in the water...

There they are - all 12 weeks prego of them playing in the freezing water!

They were jumping over the waves... or something


It almost looks like Eric is getting ready to show off his muscles...
but really, I think he's just moving to stay warm.

Aaron really wanted to go deeper and Eric really wanted to take him deeper...
So finally I gave in and told him that if he dropped our child ... (you can fill in the blank)

Triple protection against dropping???

Eric was very safe with Aaron and brought him back in soon after getting out in the deeper water

Our poor little guy was cold by then and snuggled right into Daddy - so cute!

We roasted cheddar brats for lunch

Aaron loved to watch the fire

Cleaning off Aaron's rocks ... yes, he still has them

Eric and I sharing the last brat

Before they left, Aaron played peek-a-boo using Lissa's hat. :}

 I miss my family already - it was hard to see them go.
Can't wait till August when we travel out to Utah!

1 comment:

  1. Jessie, you are such an adorable mom! I love that you've always been good about dressing up when you get the chance. I think your little overdress thingy is so cute. And I love reading your stories and seeing your pictures and videos with Aaron and Eric. Especially the zoo ones! Aaron is such a fantastic, amazing kid and you two are the perfect parents for him.


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